I went to another Ann Kiser Clinic this weekend up in Ridgefield, Washington. I learned a lot about working with your horse at liberty. Liberty just means without a lead rope. I have gotten her to lunge and play the seven games at liberty, but she has drifted a few times and I haven't really known what to do except follow her. Ann gave us plenty of strategies. The one I thought was effective was if they drift, immediately ask them to yield their hindquarters and start walking away....amazingly, they follow.

But the coolest thing about the clinic....the Honeycomb. The clinic was at this place called Kozy Manor and the owner of the barn put in what she calls "the Honeycomb." It basically is four round pens enclosed in a big circle. You have so many cool options on the rail, around in circles, straight lines...it is very cool.

All the horses made great progress after working in it. These pictures are from the perimeter of the Honeycomb. I liked it so much, I am considering moving Maddy to this facility. I think it would be such a great tool for a young horse to navigate. Arenas just get boring, and this thing would constantly have her thinking.
I am getting a lot of interesting thoughts from reading your posts! It's not long now since I'll be back with my girls, and I have decided to start training something in a different area than racing. They're always best during training, but when it's racing time, they just can't keep up with the drugged horses. Anyway, I still intend to let them run, but I thought it would be good to focus on the mental exercise, so as not to wear them too much... How's your dressage going? And how come by the way you started with Western in the first place?
Hey Isthar, Have you ever heard of natural horsemanship? I have a Parelli DVD I can send you if you would like. I think it would give you some fun things to do with the girls when they are not tearing up the track.
Dressage is going good...slowly, but good. I started in western saddle because it had a horn and if she started bucking, I wanted something to hang on to. Also, I grew up doing western, so I feel a little more at home in a western saddle.
The Honeycomb sounds fun--what a good way to keep your horse interested and focused.
The honeycomb sounds interesting. I suspect it would be quite helpful for horses who are getting tired of rail work. Rather like an obedience dog can benefit from a few agility lessons.
I hear you on the western saddle! I can't imagine starting Jet in an english saddle; too far to fall, lol!
BTW...you've got me thinking about this RFD project of yours and your suggestion over at my blog... Care to email me? desperatehorsewife@gmail.com
I love the honeycomb idea. I wish I had that facility down here.
I used to love to have a long trot in the arena where I could go between collected and relaxed. I would cross at X, circle, reverse direction, just to keep my horse awake.
BTW, I try to catch RFD when they do the group of horse programs. I'll be watching your show, for sure.
I would love that Photogchic! I can post my email below so we can talk! but would you mind deleting the comment afterwards? :-) Thanks!
Parelli introduced to Africa, just the thought is a trip! I'm with you on the western saddle. I wouldn't think of starting a horse in anything else.
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