I am gearing up for my trip to the Bahamas to film the Abaco Barbs and I got to thinking about a horse travel adventure of the past. Three years ago I went to Hungary for the second time and went out to the the Puszta, the desert-like plains of Hungary. It is home the the famous Hungarian Horsemen, the Csikos (pronounced che-kowsh). My friend and I spent the day with them, and were just "wowed" by the things we saw. I am rusty on my history, but I remember that they struck fear in all those whose crossed their paths while they raided Western Europe. They look pretty harmless in these photos, and were actually quite jovial. Traditionally, they teach their horses to "play dead" on command for war strategies and they rode "standing up" to appear larger from a distance. I am going to post more about them because they are great photos and I don't know if anyone out there knows a lot about them. They taught me how to use their bullwhip and there are some fun photos of that. For me, this is just great thinking back and remembering my day with the Csikos. By the way, they make great wine as well!