For the first time in my life, I am almost completely debt free. The temptation to run out and buy a truck and trailer (or another horse:-) is a constant I am battling with. I see amazing deals on trucks, and a few nice trailers here and there. I have told myself, "If I save half of the purchase price, I may buy my truck." I am not looking for something fancy, just reliable. My credit union has a repo list a mile long and I have been keeping an eye out for any 3/4 ton pickups. I really want to travel with Maddy A LOT next summer. I want to go back to California to ride Mt. Shasta with her last owner. I may want to introduce her to the race track and see if she could "pony". I would love to trailer up to Vancouver, WA and try some team penning or sorting. I want to ride out in Whipple Creek, the place that brought me back to riding and ignited my passion for horses. With that truck and trailer comes FREEDOM, but I will bide my time and wait for that perfect deal. Patience is hard for me, so is not spending:-). I came across the truck and trailer pictured above...isn't that cool! So retro...not very practical, but it reminds me of my childhood and similar to the setup we had back in the day.
i have a truck that i'd love to see go to a horsey home. i recently moved overseas and sadly could not take it with me: (
my truck is reliable, has low miles, and horse camping with it was awesome. it's not too far from you: )
~lytha in germany
I got the trailer and truck after I got my first horse (Genny). I figured I wanted to do everything now that I had a horse of my own. It really does give you am amazing feeling of freedom. I hardly use it now though since X's owner also has rig. I know it is there though. Check out the website horsetrailerworld.com That is where I found mine. It is not the nicest trailer, but it is safe and it was not very expensive since I got it used. I think you plan to be able to pay for it outright is a good one! Keep saving!
It's a dilemma-buy it now or wait? I love being able to trailer anytime I want to, it is freedom. On the other hand you're doing the right thing waiting until you would be able to buy it outright. You'll probably get a better deal somewhere in the middle of winter when no one is really trailering anywhere and look to pay more in the spring. Good luck sticking to your guns and waiting until the right one comes along.
I so hear you! I have a horse and a passion for adventure and trail riding. However, I have no wheels. No truck. No trailer. This is just a plain old stinky situation.
Yeaknow, freedom is what my sissy gave me last winter and I will missmmiss it when it goes. But for now,
I am enjoying it very much and sharing it with you!
I would yake the hub caps off. Otherwise very retro cool!
Truck plus trailer is a huge investment and i was on the fence for so long. First I bought a Brenderup 2-horse thinking I could tow with a passenger vehicle. True but we have Big Hills. Worrying.
Then I bought a better hauling vehicle. Then I sold the Brenderup at amazing speed and got my current GN trailer: heavy, safe, perfect for a camping weekend. Plus Ford F250 diesel truck. Hubby was aghast. I am set for life though.
Good for you being debt free!!
Kudos for getting debt free! I've got the truck, had the trailer, but needed to sell the trailer to help get kiddo into college. Someday, I'll get another trailer, but not at the moment.
Love that truck and trailer! Pretty tempting.
However, at the moment I'm great at taking advantage of my truck driving friends with their trailers. So far, so good.
In a few months, I hope the starving horse I rescued will be strong enough to come home. Right now, he is too weak to move from his boarding paddock. Would love to save the board money, but his health comes first.
Congrats on DEBT FREE ! Pretty good deal when you have horses!
I am with you! My husband and I went to the Ford dealer and almost walked off the lot with one. But then we reconsidered. Saving more until we can buy outright sounded like a better idea. Plus I'm not going to haul anywhere until the spring, so it's not as necessary right now.
It's hard though, isn't it? Shopping is fun- especially for horse stuff!
That is a cute little old truck and trailer. Sounds good to be waiting a little longer before you buy. That's cool that you are saving now.
Congratulations on being almost debt-free! That is quite an accomplishment in today's economy. It would sure be nice to do all the travel that we once did - i am just not willing to use any more of my money to line the pockets of the billionaires who own the oil companies.
Julie- I may have to leave my truck (and new cute 2 horse trailer) behind, so before you buy, give me a call, I might have a deal for you.
Why? Well, it is still a secret, but it involves london. Email me: learninghorses@yahoo.com
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