I got a "tramp stamp" about ten years ago when I lived in Spokane, Washington. Being my first tattoo, I didn't really research artists or really plan out what I was getting. I got a basic black flower with some squiggly stuff around it. I always felt it was kind of one dimensional looking and boring. I finally got the courage to go through the pain again and I had a friend of mine design something that works with what I got to make it more "pretty." So my friend Amanda at
Infinity Tattoo did it on Thursday last week. Man did it hurt! It burned and throbbed, but I still made my beach riding trip this past weekend. Not much could stop me from doing that....a goal of mine since I bought Maddy. It was a wonderful girls weekend, despite the "roll" in the sand Maddy took when we first hit the beach. I thought "Man...this sand is deep!! Whoa....she is going down!" And then she rolled...right on my awesome new Panasonic camera. Dead Panasonic. Live and learn:-) I loved my time there and couldn't ask for better friends to share it with. Kacy, Nora, Jeannette, Linda, and Carol...you guys rock. Thanks for having me. Does anyone know how to airbrush that love handle out of there?:-)
bummer about the camera. i wish you had some photos of the beach ride.
oh stop with the airbrushing! You already look better than Tyra so no worries. And that is amazing that you got to do a beach ride! I live like an hour from the shore and have never done it! You can even go to one of the state parks and get passes...it is something I have always wanted to do but finding the right mix of people to go with it tough. I am very jealous you got to do it and I am so happy for you that Maddy's leg healed so well and that you get to enjoy your girl! Sorry about your camera! I am sure the roll was worth it!
I keep thinking I want a tat.... (my Dear Husband has 3...) and then I remember how much I *H-A-T-E* needles and pain! Dear Husband says it is not that bad, and we even did the design for one.... but he has yet to fully convince me that it would look kewl enough to be worth the pain....
Glad you got in your beach ride! Always wanted to do that myself...
I think your tattoo looks great, it's a nice design. In my younger years I considered getting one, you know the small rose, but I figure by now with the sagging it would probably look like a giant cabbage rose. Glad to hear you had a nice ride.
Beach ride!! Wow that sounds great. The poor camera - hope you'll be able to replace it asap.
Gorgeous tramp stamp! Va va va voom girl! I've been trying to get my nerve up to have my tatoo on my shoulder re-inked (brighten up the reds and yellows). But I'm TOO chicken. It hurt too much the first time! I love yours. That beach ride sounds incredible.
I LOVE IT!!!!! It looks so great!
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