I have always been a big John Edwards fan, so when news of his affair surfaced, I was saddened and stunned. I was hoping he would be Attorney General someday and eventually President. So I was reading about his mistress, Rielle Hunter, and found out she used to be teenage equestrienne Lisa Druck of Ocala, Florida. Her father was James Druck, a lawyer who was implicated in the "Horse Mafia Scam." He and Tommy "the Sandman" Burns electrocuted horses for their owners to collect the insurance money. One of their first victims was the horse Lisa rode, Henry the Hawk. Druck showed Burns how to electrocute Lisa's horse using a stripped extension cord and a wall socket. It is some pretty sick stuff. I think I read somewhere they killed 50 horses and 36 people were implicated in the scam. Some connected to the case are also believed to have murdered candy heiress, Helen Brach. Her body was never found. Like I said...some really bad people. I first heard of the "Horse Mafia" back in 2007 and I did a post on it. So to escape her past....Lisa became Rielle, but seems she still found her way back into a sordid life.
Holy Crap! How did he ever get mixed up with that kind of ...well, you know. I had a lot of hope for his political future also. So much for thinking he had good sense. And another one bites the dust.
Geezus! People like that disgust me. They need to get over themselves. Personally, I don't trust any politician! Perhaps he should have kept his weiner in his pants. Obviously not a good crowd to screw with.
I think we all liked him, but I think all politicians are the same...egos to big to keep it in their pants.
I've heard about her before and can only say in this instance 'the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree'. I'm sorry but the whole group that did this to the horses are a bunch of dirt bags.
I think some people just like to live a life of drama...and I bet that Rielle is just one of those people. Those poor ponies though! That is just terrible. I had never heard of this...and reading out what people will do for money is just so scary!
Hey Julie!!! This is Helen from Idaho. Stumbled on your blog doing a search of Whipple Creek Riding Center (just for grins).
Haven't read all the entries yet, but browsed a bit. Did read about the rearing of Maddy at the beginning stages of training (yikes)!
Just wanted to say HOWDY and tell you that Honey is doing GREAT! She is loving life in Idaho and not having to work much at all. Will have to ride more because her rump is looking mighty ROUND!!!
Well, it looks like John Edwards has lost the equestrian vote. :)
I just found your blog, really like the clean design. I'm linking to you from our new site, Horseman Magazine. If you like it, throw us a link too.
Keep up the great work!
P.S. Read your profile - I have actually worked at a plastics factory, and I agree with your assessment.
I've always really liked John Edwards...bummer. I was thinking just the other day that I wish he was running as Obama's VP.
And that's pretty sick about his mistress' father...poor girl. But she's brought the more recent stuff on herself!
Are you kidding me? That is quite the story! I hear a movie in the making!
However, I just get angry when I hear animals are just randomly killed for money. Heartless!
I am so bummed about Edwards. I've read one of his books and kind of liked the guy. He seemed like one of the good ones. Sigh.
Yes, very disappointing.
Sickening. I too had an Edwards high opinion.
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