Time flies! My step dad was out visiting for a whole month. He was here looking at properties. He is thinking of moving here in a couple years with my mom. He did dressage back in the day and has been away from horses for about 10 years. He was really soaking in all the natural horsemanship shows and dvds I have here. I know he really misses being around them. I logged him onto the Parelli website and we looked for Parelli Savvy Club members around Minnesota. He is hoping to find someone who doesn't have time for their horse and just wants someone to brush and spend time with it. I hope he finds a situation like that. He is a great rider and I used to watch him work the young horses for my dad.
They had a falling out and he sort of walked away from all of it. Sometimes, you need that break. I took one myself for about 10 years. In horse news...Maddy has exactly 4 weeks of stall rest left. I have been riding Queenie, the draft cross. She is really stretching out under saddle and feels so great. She is a very talented girl. The barn bought a new pony named "Sterling." He is picture here. I think he is every little girls dream, a pure white, beautiful guy.
Just A Preview....
3 hours ago
Gosh these are nice pictures and the post narrative is great reading too.
Wow! Beautiful horses! Where abouts does your dad live? If he's fairly close to me I might know a few people that could use some help...myself included! *wink*
He lives in Watertown, MN. It is a half hour west of Minneapolis. Equinespirit...you are in Red Wing right? Love it down there:-)
I like the close up shot of the face. I'm sure counting down the days of these remaining weeks. But won't Maddy pretty much be off of stall rest at the same time you're coming to MN? Bummer on the timing...
I'm glad you have another mount while Maddy recovers, he is a beauty!
The eye shot is so lovely. He is a beauty.
I've just completed tons of hours of Parelli DVD's and am very excited about the confidence that comes with all this knowledge.
Could your Dad come down to Mexico and brush my Bella?
That horse is every girl's dream (and every horse mom's nightmare -- hard to keep clean!).
How nice to have your step-dad visit. I wish he lived near me and he would be more than welcome.
Glad Maddy's on the mend.
Hmmmm...Watertown huh? I'll have to keep my ears open for anyone in that area that needs help. If he's ever in this area lemme know...I can take him out to the barn to visit Diago! :D Yeah...I'm in Red Wing. When was the last time you were here? It's grown by leaps and bounds over the past couple years! If it's been a long while I don't know if you'd even recognize it...LOL! How often do you make it back to MN?
I was thinking Maddy must be getting nearer to the end of her confinement. I'm glad you are enjoying the draft cross. And the pony has a darling face. Is he sweet? Or is he a little monster? You never know with ponies. lol
Mikael--Sterling is a little monster:-) Very dominant and pushy and loves to chase the big horses. He is a chartacter!
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