I got into a bad accident yesterday and the only way it is connected to horses is that I was driving
FROM the barn. I was sitting at a flagger stop by a construction zone and all of a sudden
WHAM! A car plows into me from behind. Felt like a got hit in the head with a bat. My face hit the steering wheel and I have a 2 inch cut across my lid and a giant mass on the back of my head. I got to ride in an ambulance...I think my poor little Geo Tracker is totaled. She was such a good little car...sad she had to go out that way. I was wearing my riding clothes, so everyone thought I was bucked off a horse in the emergency room. I am hurting today, very sore with a big black eye and stitches, but recovering. Amazing how one little event can really rattle your world. Now I have to deal with insurance, no vehicle, possible truck shopping, and doctors. All I wanted to do this weekend is hit the trails, not sure if I will feel good enough to ride by Saturday, but I am working on it.
OMG! I am glad that you are for the most part okay! How did the other person not see you? I mean, geo trackers are not known for subtle colors. I hope that you feel better soon and I am REALLY glad that it was not worse.
Glad you are okay & sorry about the car. Silver lining... new truck? Cool! Funny about the emergency people thinking it was a horse wreck. A nurse friend says ER people think horse people & motorcycle riders are all looney! I think we have cuter clothes than the bikers :)
Get well soon!
Oh you poor girl. I am glad you weren't as totaled as your poor little car seems to be. Hope you feel better soon, but I think you may be sore for a long time and I would imagine you've got a whopper of a headache. Take care of yourself and feel better soon.
Tammy, Also the first thing I thought of....truck shopping!
And what do you mean by "little event"? A car accident is among one of the top ten stressors. Plus, if you are already sore, the soreness will be worse tomorrow and the next day from whiplash.
So, take it easy until you see the full effects. No doubt, some physical therapy is in your future too! Take care and get well SOON!
Do take care of yourself - that looks like it hurts a lot! That is just horrible, particularly as you'd done nothing wrong at all - and may have even done the good deed of keeping the inattentive driver from running down the flagger you stopped for!
Glad to read that you are stitched up and sore but still alive! Hope the person who hit you has good insurance!
Do you want a truck? Last May my husband was driving his truck and an idiot ran through a stop sign at 60MPH and sent the vehicle airborne. He was lucky to be able to walk away with minor injuries and is doing fine.
You will recover faster than you think, it does take awhile to get through the mental part.
Maddy would never do that to you!
Pamper yourself and ease back into your groove.
I'm glad you're okay - how scary! I hope you have a fast recovery too.
Oh no!! That is terrible - hope you are ok! Too bad about your car - but cars can be replaced... Hopefully your insurance situation isn't too much of a hassle...
OMG! I'm glad you're ok, at least not hurt any worse than that, but wow! What a bad wreck! Get better soon!
OMG! So glad you aren't hurt any worse than you are! Very scary, get better soon!
Oh, my goodness!! Please, please, take it easy until you are fully recovered. I too worry about whiplash. That may not show up for a day or so.
The Geo can be replaced, but you cannot, nor can your poor head. I am sending you gentle hugs and good vibes to feel better fast.
I hope the other driver has good insurance coverage and it all works out quickly in your favor. No hassle, just a fair settlement.
Ahhhhh! What lousy luck! Around here the construction workers are guilty of leaving up signs warning of flaggers that don't exist, so drivers ignore those signs after a while. It's like the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf Syndrome. I wish they'd only display the construction signs when they are actually doing construction, so people would pay attention to them. I once came around a corner right after someone hit the flag woman and knocked her into the side of a cliff. I hope you heal quickly and feel well enough to ride this weekend.
Oh J! I am so sorry for you!! Sending you a huge hug from Africa!!!
OH CRUD! I am so glad you are alright! I was rear ended last week, but thankfully am fine. Oh, and I am a nurse and I think horse people are the sanest folks I've ever met--the one's who wear helmets anyway! Hope you are recovering already, I'll be thinking of you!
So sorry!!! Hope your back to your old self soon. But everybody's right, it's gonna get a little worse, before it's gets better.
Take care!
That is so scary! Are you sure you're ok? Big hugs.
OH my!!!! I sure hope you are feeling better soon! and that the injuries were not any worse!
on a cell phone or texting? i have had 3 friends in accidents EXACTLY like this, and all the perpetrators were on their cell phones
I was sort of checking back here for an update. Hope you are feeling better, let us know when you feel up to it.
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Gosh, I hope you're feeling better. You look terrible!
Oh my Jules!!!
I am soo sorry for this accident!(was that a self pic?)
I am sure you won't be riding anytime this wkend!..sounds bad. OH! I am so happy you are alive..but your poor car is not anymore.
I always wonder about the country driving..sometimes people just space out!
Praying for a quick recovery girlfriend!
Hope you feel better soon! :)
God I'm glad you are ok. How is the other driver? Their insurance will pay for you to have a rental car until you can get settled up with your little Geo.
You might consider a lawyer just to be sure you don't fall pray to the other insurance getting off too easy.
I hope by today you are thru the worst of it.
Wow! I am so sorry this happened to you! Hang in there and get better soon.
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Are you OK? I am worrying since you haven't updated the blog!!
OHMYGOSH! I'm so glad you are OK. How scary!!!
Oh my! I hope you are up and about soon. Air bag?????
Enjoyed my visit!
Oh honey I just read this today. What a terrible event but thank goodness you are basically OK and what a frikkin cowgirl you are to be planning to ride the weekend after a wreck like this. Take care and update.
I don't know how I missed this, but I did. Hope you are feeling much better. And as someone who has had a head trauma don't get back up on a horse too soon. Jarring and unhealed brain can cause more injury.
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