Sheryl Crow is working to halt the roundup of 2,500 mustangs in Nevada which began last month.
"My main concern is that horse numbers not be dwindled down to where they can become extinct," she said, fearing the roundups are leaving mustang herds with too few breeding horses.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Crow said the romantic symbols of the American West are being sacrificed, in part, because of ranchers' drive for land. She disputed the government's position that booming mustang numbers are threatening the horses with starvation, and harming arid range lands and native wildlife.
"I think there has to be a better way than taking them away from their native lands," she said by phone from New York. "I feel so passionate about the issue because wild horses are one of the last remaining ties to the land as it was and our history in America."
Meanwhile, there are other celebrities pushing the cause, including
Willie Nelson, Lily Tomlin, Bill Maher and Ed Harris. The photo is of Crow and Ginger Kathrens, the maker of the Cloud documentaries.