Life has been a bit busy. My mom visited for a week. I love when she comes out and hate when she flies away. Riding eases my sadness. Sometimes I miss my family so much, I wonder what the heck I am doing way out in Oregon. Then I ride and it takes my breath away. I live in the most beautiful place. If I could just get them to move out west. They are happy in Minnesota and Oregon seems to have captured my heart, so for now, we book lots of flights. The clip above shows one of the reasons I love Oregon..."hairy" trees. I also posted a picture of my mom. For some reason we are both fascinated with old mills. We found a amazing one next to a covered bridge up in Woodland, Washington. It is called the
Cedar Creek Grist Mill. Wonderful place and they still mill flour and cornmeal to take home. Yummy hotcakes!

Hairy trees indeed. Most trees are people eaters. For a while there wasn't a day Harmony and I went out riding and I didn't come back with tree bites all over my arm!
I love woodland trails. Hairy trees and all, that one looks lovely. Thanks for the ride.
Wonder if "mill love" is genetic? Your mom has that "special person" look about her, no wonder you miss her. I'm glad you were able to spend some good times together sharing things you both enjoy.
Glad to hear you and your mom had a nice visit and both have the same interest in mills. The one you found looks so charming.
Your trail through the woods looks beautiful and serene. I'd love to ride through there and can see why you love the west.
I can so relate. ALL of my family is in Pa and I miss them all the time. My niece (5 yrs) has started riding lessons and I am missing it!
Hard. Going to a Walter Zettl clinic Tues and Wed and then he starts his tour with the Parelli's which I thought would interest you. Did anything ever come of your Parelli endeavor? friend has an invitation to have dinner with the Parelli's and Zettl on the first night of the tour in Dallas ( I think it's Dallas). Makes me mad cause she really just gives lip service to riding and isn't into the Parelli's and rides Western, so the dressage aspect will be lost on her....But maybe not. Wish it was me.... :)
Oh don't feel like the dressage aspect will be lost on a western rider. Dressage can benefit every horse and rider! But too bad you cannot go also.
I loved the ride through the woods! I don't trail ride and have only geriatric and show horse that tend to become tense outside of the confines of a ring...LOL! I would love to get a horse that was posted on the blog Unique Horse Trailers (uniquehorsetrailers. I think it is). But it's about 1500 miles from me, so no good old trail horse there!
Glad you had a good visit with your mum!
What a gorgeous area to ride in! And I love seeing your horse's head bobbing up and down in the video.
Your mom looks super sweet!
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