I am working on making Cavallettis. It started with a trip to Home Depot and checking out all the "plastic." I found these 4x3 drain basins, drilled two 1 inch holes on each side.

Next, I cut 3/4 inch PVC pipe into 16 inch long pieces and stuck them thru the drilled holes. I lined them up and then used electrical tape to keep the pipe in place. Just kept going around and around until the pipe was secure.

I capped the ends of the pvc pipe with little caps they had at Home Depot for 13 cents a piece. It gave it a finished look.

Then I cut a 10 foot by 4 inch PVC pipe in half and stuck them into the drain basins. They were ready to go, but I decided to put on three strips of white vinyl tape to help with visibility in the arena. I think they turned out really nice. I made four and have used them all week. The only other thing I am thinking of doing is taping the basins to the big pvc pipe just so they don't come loose. Each one costs about $18 to make, which isn't too bad. They are nice and light and easy to move around the arena.