Pacific Northwest Endurance Riders hosted a clinic out our barn on Saturday. It was $25 for the whole day (including lunch!). The day started by talking nutrition and electrolytes. Then a presentation by
Naomi Preston on Tellington T-touch...very interesting. For those that don't know, T-Team, is circular touching and motion designed to improve performance and health. My dressage trainer, Michelle Merkin gave a demo on finding your center of balance or the "sweet spot." She had us do some partner simulations to help demonstrate "harmony" with your horse. I think the endurance riders were braced for a dressage queen talk and they all seemed pleasantly surprised with Michelle's knowledge and analogies for use while riding endurance. She really is an amazing teacher.

I was reminded again how lucky I was to find her.
Jeff Moore of Equine Rehab and Therapy had us watch three horses walk off and where to look for asymmetry in their movement. Noticing the rise or lack of rise of hips helps to diagnose pain. There was a segment on endurance ride vet checks and pulse taking and about then, my feet were numb and my teeth were chattering. I decided to call it a day. Throughout the day, I was reminded of my fortune of being surrounded with good horse people. I am still struggling with my decision to start looking around for other places to board. For me it is all financial. I board at a place where the majority of people are pretty well off...I am on other hand drive a Geo Tracker...need I say more:-)? Board increases to them, they probably barely flinch, but for keeps me up at night. Things will work themselves out...they always do. Just trying not to stress about it.