Snow again. Maddy was walking on "high heels" when I went out to see her today. He shoes had compacted the snow and she was about 3 inches off the ground. She is in heat and has romancing the handsome Fresian cross, Ronan. This week has been a little difficult with her attention elsewhere. We are pushing on and doing cavalettis under saddle. Wow, what a great feeling that is to get that stretch over the poles and have her continue like that through out her workout.

She is starting to feel like a real dressage horse. We are having a "show" meeting on Saturday. Our trainer is going to talk about and plan for the up coming season. I would like to do some schooling shows, if not this year, maybe the next. It would give me a sense of accomplishment after all we have been through together.

On another note..my friend Kacy over at
All Horse Stuff is leaving the barn. I am going to miss her. This is her snow covered truck and trailer. Lots of memories for me and Maddy with that truck and trailer. Our first experience trailering out, our first trip to the beach, and our first experience "horse" camping. Lots of good times. Kacy and Wa have a special place in my heart...she was willing to share her summer adventures with me and I will be eternally grateful for helping me reach so many of my goals with Maddy. She is going to find her happiness at another barn, but she will remain a friend and a cherished "horse sister."