I am pretty disappointed.
Clinton Anderson "endorsed" these boots, they looked cool, they were easy to put on....."sigh." It was too good to be true. It took only four rides for the
Boa Boots to break, both on the same ride. As we were crossing the creek, I lost the first one and went back to look for it. I saw it bobbing in the water, the wires broken. An hour later, I see a black thing whiz off to the side of me and there went the second one. Its wires broken as well. Lucky for me, they have a 90 day warranty. I have friends that swear by the Cavallos and a friends that loves the Old Mac G-2's. Anyone out there have a horse boot that they prefer? I would love to hear from you. Here is a photo of Me and Maddy enjoying the trails, oblivious to the impending demise of our Boa Boots. Photo courtesy of Kacy over at
All Horse Stuff.