I arrived in Minnesota on Saturday and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my little nephew. The due date is today, but no sign he is coming out! I went to Canterbury Park yesterday to watch one of my dad's horses run. It was a first out for one of his two year olds. You all know how I feel about running horses at that age. The race didn't go well, but I want wait on posting about it. In the meantime, I wanted to post some photos of my uncle Jim, someone I admire and is a horseman through and through. I have few photos of my dad in the black t-shirt. He tends to dodge the camera. I am very proud of him and enjoy being a part of something he loves so much. I just wish I could have this sense of pride in the sport itself. Despite my feelings, I have to believe my uncle and father choose to do what is best for their horses. These photos are of my uncle and father preparing "Tricky" for the tenth race at Canterbury Park.

Lovely horse!
The Mane Point
THE MANE POINT – a haven for horse lovers
GREAT photos!! Ya having a good time in MN?!? :)
Nice horse, I'm sure your family takes good care of their horses and that's something to be proud of!
That is a beauty of a horse. I bet it was fun to catch your dad on camera! I am curious to see what happens in the Belmont this weekend....holding my breath.
It's still amazing to me a light breed of horse can be that big at two. While I know that's not necessarily a good reason to run then, I still find it amazing.
Hope you have a fun trip and that baby doesn't keep you waiting too long. *waiting for a human baby isn't much easier that waiting for an equine one - the only difference is at least the mother is verbal. lol)
Welcome back to MN. Thanks for the Canterbury pics. Nice looking horse!
Once again I am on the hunt for an OTTB...does your dad have or know of anyone that was to retire a racing TB????
Enjoy your time in the midwest. =) We like having you closer to home.
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