The Parelli USA tour was in Redmond, Oregon this weekend. I headed out and spent the weekend there. I have never been to a
Parelli event and was really looking forward to finally seeing them. I turned to their program when I first got Maddy. I was leaving the barn in tears and looking for strategies to deal with her fear issues. After a couple months, we passed our Level One and the day I received her certificate and red savvy string in the mail, I saw her "hop" on the lunge line. Long story short, she fractured her coffin bone and spent almost 8 months on stall rest. In February, we started our work again and really hoping to pass Level Two this year.

The event itself was like a big commercial for joining the Savvy Club and buying the Level sets. I think the tour is geared towards getting people to say "I want to do that" instead of actually teaching us "how" to do that. It was lots of "playing" with horses and not so much instruction, but I enjoyed it. It was entertainment at it's best. It was nice to see the horses I have watched on the Savvy Club DVDs for the past two years in person. I got to see my favorite,

Vanna, a right brain extrovert like Maddy. Also present were Allure, Casper, Remmer, Lucky Seven, and a new
Atwood Quarter horse named Vision. Allure is the Trakener Linda bought in France and is the horse responsible for her discovery of the
4 Horsenalities. She says he is her biggest challenge and he looked it by watching him in the arena.

I enjoyed watching Pat work with a demo horse on the first day. He just did his thing to music and the horse made huge changes. He also roped a mechanical steer with his son Caiden. I think the highlight was watching this group teenage of girls from the San Juan Islands just play with their horses. Amazing stuff. Linda saw a video on YouTube of them and paid to get there here to perform. Pat worked with them a little bit and at the end lunged all six of their horses at one time. It looked like a living merry-go-round.

See this big green Parelli ball....I won one today during one of the drawings! Linda is hiding from Remmer...it is that huge. Maddy is going to love playing with that big thing. I know people think Parelli is cult-like, but I didn't drink the cool-aid. Their program just works for Maddy and me. I enjoy being a part of the Savvy Club and we train at our own pace. I feel I am learning so much about reading horses and learning how to be creative with our time together. Above all, the relationship I have with Maddy is very important to me and I want to do all I can to make sure I am worthy partner for my beautiful mare.