My purse was turned in at the restaurant, so I headed out to Prineville, Oregon a little later than I wanted to, but I had my ID and all my credit cards and every penny was still in my purse, so I was a happy camper. The passes up by Mt. Hood were pretty treacherous, so it was slow going. I arrived right after lunch and there were 22 clinic participants and lots of auditors.

They were working on passenger lessons which basically means you pick a gait and ride on a loose rein and allow your horse to go where ever they want to go and the only time you shut them down is if you feel in danger. There were a lot of really scared people, most were afraid to canter. I cantered Maddy on her "test" ride, but haven't done it since I bought her. Of course the fracture was a set back, but I realized as I sat there, if I was on Maddy in that clinic, I would probably be one of those people. So I had a little revelation within the first couple of minutes. I need to start putting some miles on my horse! I learned a lot about collection and lots of things to work on now that I am riding again. At one point, they blind-folded a horse to test how much the horse truly gave to pressure.

If you look at the sorrel horse in the photo, she has a t-shirt covering her eyes. It was interesting to watch her process what was going on and learn to trust her owner. I saw the participants make a lot of progress in the two days. As I sat in the audience, I heard all the "know it all auditors" make all sorts of negative comments about the "ugly horses" and "clueless riders" and I just kept thinking...at least these people are here. These horses are the lucky ones...these horses have owners that care enough about them to want to learn how to build a better partnership. I wish all owners put themselves out there like these folks and pushed themselves to be better. I think everyone in that building took home something to build on. I look forward to getting back to work out at the barn. This week....the canter! Here is the requested "Clinton Anderson butt shot" for Kara, our barn manager who has a crush and could not make it to Prineville this weekend:-)