I finally got a chance to see the remake of
"True Grit" starring Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon (and various equine stars). I loved it. I think the script was brilliant and all the actors shined. It was fantastic....except
****SPOILER ALERT****** "Why did "Blackie" have to die?"
Blackie is Mattie's ten dollar trusty black pony. Blackie's first time under saddle, he happy canters around in a circle a few times and then they canter off in the pursuit of justice and "Rooster Cogburn" played by Jeff Bridges. Blackie fearlessly jumps into the river to get Mattie across. The river rages, the girl hangs onto the bridle, yet Blackie prevails. The little pony glimmers as he comes out of the water, gives a tired exhale and basks in his achievement.
Blackie is the perfect partner; willing and noble. Then Mattie has to go get bit by a rattlesnake. The little horse carries Rooster and Mattie at break neck speed across the frozen landscape in search of a doctor. A flurry of hooves and passing miles, as Blackie becomes glossy with sweat. Then we see Blackie stumble, he goes down exhausted. Rooster draws his gun....Blackie is put out of his misery. Blackie dies so that Mattie may live. The last selfless act of this heroic mustang pony was to save his partner. For me, the title of this movie is aptly named for "Blackie," an equine with true grit.
Blackie is played by a 6 year old quarter horse named
"Cimarron". Oscar performace Cimarron!! Nicely done. Read more about the equine stars of
True Grit here.