I have been in a "horse funk" the last two months. I returned from vacation the beginning of December to find Maddy with a lifted shoe and a big bite on her butt. The farrier came out, put her shoe back on and the next day went for a little ride and came back with a lame horse. My first thought was abscess, so I soaked for a couple days, then seconded guessed myself and called the vet. After flex tests and thermography, narrowed it to sore inner legs. I thought maybe the lifted the shoe was a product of slipping and splaying. Micro-current, ice, and anti-inflammatories later, she seemed on the mend. After a few rides in the arena, we did a short ride a week ago. The next day, dead lame. This time the other back leg. I am stumped. I start to think the lameness is a symptom of sore back or hip. So have bodyworker scheduled to come out this morning. Planning for the worst, imagining x-rays and months off, and my whole tax refund up in smoke.
Well, I get to the barn this morning....a huge blowout. It was a hoof abscess! I am relieved. The bodyworker saw and felt nothing wrong with back or hips, no heat in the legs. What a stressful two months. I just want to relay my experience so others don't over think it, sometimes it is the easy answer. Posted below is the gross looking abscess. It is large, over two inches, smells terrible. Has anyone had abscess issues where the lameness goes from one leg to the other? Maybe one will blow out the other side? Any thoughts or suggestions from fellow horse friends would be helpful.
Just A Preview....
19 minutes ago