I feel so honored to have met WAZ, otherwise known as
Walter Zettl, one of the world's most revered masters of classical dressage. He has joined with the
Parellis to bridge the gap between natural horsemanship and dressage. For me going through the Parelli program, I went from a loose rein hackamore and then to bridle, but there wasn't a lot of teaching about contact and collection. I was studying Parelli and taking dressage and the two seemed a bit at odds sometimes. I was torn between my loose rein riding to getting her on the bit. So I am thrilled that they are addressing the hole and have added Walter to the staff. While working the event, we had to pass behind the main table where Linda, Walter, and the soundguy sat. On my way back in from a water break, I go to pass Walter, and he just put his arm around my shoulder and asked "Well how are you doing today?" I thought that was so sweet. He just smiled the whole weekend, chatting away, and talking to everyone who had questions. When I talked to him, I got a sense of his total understanding and compassion for the horse. So much so, sometimes his eyes teared up in the middle of a good story. Horses do that to me too. I am watching his DVD series, "A Matter of Trust."

It is filling in a lot of holes for me about dressage. I am somewhat a "newbie." I have been taking lessons for a little over 2 years and have never competed. Maybe someday, but for now I am absorbing what I can and feel I have found a great resource in Walter. At the Parelli Celebration, he gave Linda a lesson. His timing is so impeccable, and he was so great at conveying what Linda needed to do to reach the limit, but not go over the limit. He grew younger as his voice carried commands to his student. I felt like I was watching a bit of history. After the lesson, everyone in the arena was on their feet, giving a standing ovation. One phrase he says that I like, "Now ride up in heaven," meaning look up and carry yourself like you are there. I can't express enough to everyone out there, if you ever get a chance to see him at a clinic, go do it. There are few like him in the horse world and I am sure he will leave the same impression that he left on me...."I am in the presence of greatness."