I audited a Level 2 Advanced
Parelli clinic this weekend up at
Kozy Manor in Ridgefield, Washington. I would like to get back on track with my Parelli work. As some of you know, the day I received my Level One certificate, I first noticed Maddy "hop" on the lunge line.
X-rays revealed that she had fractured her coffin bone and things and life got put on hold for awhile. The Parellis are changing their teaching format from levels to patterns in on-line, finesse, liberty and freestyle. By going to the clinic this weekend, I was hoping to get re-inspired and I am.

While I was there I met this woman, Wendy, who owns
Curly Horses. She was doing all sorts of cool stuff with her horse, Dan. I have read about Curlys, but have never seen one. They are compact, with spiral twists going thru the mane and tail. Their bodies have whirl patterns of fur and the fur on their fetlocks is so thick, it looks like they are wearing hand knitted socks. Wendy chose this breed because her husband has allergies. The Curlys don't have the dander that other horses have. Another cool thing from the clinic....three men. I have never done a Parelli clinic with a man much less three. Nice to see guys out there. Although
Ann Kiser pointed out, they are much less chatty than the women:-) The photos posted are of Wendy and Dan doing their thing at the clinic. It was a perfect weekend. It was hard to sit there knowing I could be out on the trails, but I got a lot out of it and ready to work towards passing Level 2.