My uncle passed away from Leukemia right before Christmas and one of my best friends lost her baby 4 weeks before her due date. It has been hard watching people you love suffer so much. I spent the last couple weeks with family in Minnesota celebrating the holidays and grieving at the same time. I find in sadness, the warmth of a horse brings solace and peace.

I spent a lot of time out at the barn helping with chores, taking pictures, and getting to know the various personalities that inhabit the stalls. I love the little pony, "Rocket Man" pictured here on the verge of getting up from his winters nap. The clown is a small Quarter Horse named "Jessie" pictured above in his blue blanket. He contorts his neck and flutters his eyes when you scratch him in just the right spot. I had a hard time taking photos because he followed me everywhere and wanted more scratches.

Sully and Baby Doll were two mares I really enjoyed. They are colorful girls ridden by my cousin in local 4-H shows. Baby Doll sheds out into a beautiful blue roan in the summer. Finally there is "Bugs" the big grey that my dad thinks I should bring to Oregon. He is 6 years old and still races down at Canterbury Park. His heart has never been in it, I think he would do better with dressage. If I could afford it, I would bring him out. He is a very sweet boy pictured here with Raffian, another race horse. This post is dedicated to little Alliah who passed away before we got a chance to hold her and my uncle Joe, a hard working farmer, who was happiest driving a tractor, holding his grandkids, and watching Nascar. Miss you.